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Ethics Service

The Health Care Ethics Service was established in May 1993 to act as a resource to all health care facilities and programs owned and operated by the Grey Nuns of Manitoba.

This Service provides assistance in four areas: ethics education; case consultation; policy development and review; research and review of research.

An Ethics Consultation?

Making complex health care decisions are not easy. Ethical issues can arise, for instance, when a person is no longer able to make decisions or choices; when the benefits of continuing treatment are not clear; or when there is conflict about what is “best” in a given situation.

An ethics consultation is designed to assist patients, families and health care providers to identify, clarify and work through ethical concerns.

Calendar of events

No events currently scheduled

Ethics & Covid-19 Resources

For  a list of resources, please click here.

Requesting a Consultation

A patient, family members or any health care providers involved in the care of the patient may ask for a consultation by contacting the Health Care Ethics Service. Call 204-235-3619.

All consultations are strictly confidential.

Clinical Ethicist:

Katarina Lee
Email: click here
Office Phone: 204-235-3267
Cell Phone: 204-794-2511



Lydia Shawarsky